Fabulously rich shipwrecks with little or no basis in fact can be a major headache to serious treasure hunters. They are sometimes reported as having just taken place, or as having just been discovered. Eventually, they become part of gossip and legend. Often, reams of material are written about these wrecks, and millions of dollars are wasted in futile searches for them. Among professionals, these wrecks are known as “ghost galleons.” Read this article for a ...
DIVE IN > > > ShareShipwrecks of May 24
Posted by: Dr. E. Lee Spence
The British East-Indiaman Hartwell was carrying 209,280 troy ounces of silver when she was lost on a May 24. Lots of other ships were lost on other May 24ths. They range from an 18th century British ship on Grand Cayman to a neutral Brazilian merchant ship that was torpedoed off the Dominican Republic during World War II. If you are reading this in a post, go to http://shipwrecks.com/shipwrecks-of-may-24/ to learn more about some of the many shipwrecks that have occurred ...
DIVE IN > > > ShareShipwrecks of May 23
Posted by: Dr. E. Lee Spence
On this day in 1943 the German sub U-752 became the first sub sunk by a new weapon called a Rocket Spear, which was launched from a British Swordfish aircraft. The 1858 wreck of the packet ship Knickerbocker on the N.E. point of Abaco would make an interesting dive. I would love to see what’s left of it. Today’s questions are: Was HMS Braak carrying treasure when she sank off Delaware in 1798? If so, what happened to ...
DIVE IN > > > ShareShipwrecks of May 22
Posted by: Dr. E. Lee Spence
If they weren’t completely removed after the war, I think the four steamers sunk to block the mouth of the Yazoo River during the American Civil War would be an interesting project. But others might be more interested in the French destroyer L’Adroit, which was sunk in shallow water near Dunkirk on the coast of France, as she may have carried a fortune in gold. If you are reading this in a post, go to
DIVE IN > > > ShareShipwrecks of May 21
Posted by: Dr. E. Lee Spence
One of the shipwrecks that took place on a May 21, was that of the riverboat Republic, which had once been piloted by Mark Twain. Today’s question is whether there were boxes of gold coins on the Dominican steamer Presidente Trujillo when she was torpedoed in the Caribbean during World War II. If you are reading this in a post, go to http://shipwrecks.com/shipwrecks-of-may-21/ to learn more about some of the many shipwrecks that have occurred ...
DIVE IN > > > ShareShipwrecks of May 20
Posted by: Dr. E. Lee Spence
The men from the wreck of the Darlington Court floated into a burning hell, their ghastly cries, made their British escort afterwards wish he had machine gunned them to end their suffering. There were 28 lives lost. Did over 7,000 heavy silver bars go down with her too? If you are reading this in a post, go to http://shipwrecks.com/shipwrecks-of-may-20/ to learn more about some of the many shipwrecks that have occurred on this ...
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