Fabulously rich shipwrecks with little or no basis in fact can be a major headache to serious treasure hunters. They are sometimes reported as having just taken place, or as having just been discovered. Eventually, they become part of gossip and legend. Often, reams of material are written about these wrecks, and millions of dollars are wasted in futile searches for them. Among professionals, these wrecks are known as “ghost galleons.” Read this article for a ...
DIVE IN > > > ShareThe other day I was poking fun at Clive Cussler. I must admit, it was only half in jest. Except for the hundreds of thousands of individual artifacts my team salvaged (and easy dissemination of that evidence on the internet), fiction writer Cussler could probably have gotten away with claiming credit for the Georgiana. And, I have no doubt that it really would have made the wreck far better known than I have been able to do.
GPS didn’t exist back ...
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