The 56th annual NOGI Awards Gala, which were held in Las Vegas, November 17, 2016, honored the following diving luminaries for their exceptional contributions – in 5 categories of underwater endeavors: Stephen Frink, Arts; Mike Cochran, Science; Bob Croft, Sports & Education, Bonnie Toth, Distinguished Service and Hardy Jones, Environment.
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HomeInternational Diving Institute
- 1854 Wreck of the Delia Maria
- 1913 Wreck of the Regina
- 2013 DEMA Show, Orlando, Florida
- About Underwater Archeologist Dr. E. Lee Spence
- Cape Romain Shipwreck Artifacts
- Civil War blockade runner Georgiana
- Confidential do not use without permission
- Construction & Physical Details of the Steamer Craigallion (later SS Ozama)
- Contemporary Accounts Wreck of the Diamante
- Costs & Values in Today’s Dollars
- Diagram of a Warship of the third rate from the early 1700s
- Discovery of the Georgiana
- Discovery of the Hunley
- Discovery of the real Rhett Butler
- Discovery of the SS Ozama
- Discovery of the SS United States Wrecked in 1881
- Diving Legend Hans Hass (1919-2013)
- Draft Bio Lee’s Edits rough work
- Flagging the SS Ozama as an American Vessel
- Full-Tuition Scholarship for Commercial Diving awarded to Rebecca Ziegler
- Ghost Galleons: Both Real & Imagined!
- Headlines & Quotes about Spence’s Work
- History of Submarine Hunley Marred by Conflicting Claims of Discovery
- How Long is Too Long to Expect SCIAA to do its Job?
- International Diving Institute
- Links to Book Reviews
- Loss of the SS United States off Cape Romain
- Mysterious Rescue on Sullivans Island
- Ozama’s Miscellaneous Voyages as Craigallion
- Photos relating to the research, work, finds and discoveries, of Dr. E. Lee Spence
- Researching Civil War Shipwrecks
- Researching Shipwrecks
- Sea Research Society
- Sea Research Society Book Store
- Seizure and Release of the SS Ozama by Haitian Authorities
- Shipwrecks Blog
- Shipwrecks Galleries
- Shipwrecks, their History & Discovery
- Sidescan Sonar Images of the SS Ozama Shipwreck
- Smuggling Guns to Haiti on the SS Ozama
- Sorry, what you are seeking is private & not currently available to general public
- Spence’s 2018 Shipwreck Expedition funded by Galleon Quest
- SS Ozama was Shipwrecked & Salvaged in Bahamas as SS Craigallion
- SS Ozama Wrecked off Cape Romain, South Carolina in 1894
- SS Ozama’s Steam Engine & Machinery
- The History & Heritage of the Loyal Jamaica
- The NOGI, 2016, The Academy Awards of Diving
- The Steamboat Bertrand
- Towing History of the SS Craigallion (later SS Ozama)
- Treasure.Academy presents “Treasure for Starters” online course featuring Dr. E. Lee Spence
- Update to Spence’s article “History of Submarine Hunley Marred by Conflicting Claims of Discovery”
- Who Decides Who Owns The Shipwrecks?
- Wreck Identified as Dutch Fishing Vessel
- Wreck of the SS City of Vera Cruz sunk in 1880
- Wreckage of WWII British Short Stirling Bomber Found
- X-Ray Magazine article on the submarine Hunley
- YO-HO-HO and a Bottle of MUMM